Directions to Use – How to Apply
Dynamiclear Rapid is applied topically to each Cold Sore Outbreak in a single application using the procedure pack supplied as per the illustrations below.
The procedure pack contains a cotton tip applicator and a glass vial containing the medicine in gel form. The cotton tip applicator must be inserted into the Vial and through capillary action the liquid is drawn to the top exposed end. It may be necessary to move the cotton tip applicator up and down to allow more medicine to flow. In few cases the product may not flow through, in that case reverse insert the cotton tip applicator into the glass vial. Always use the exposed end only when it is fully saturated with the medicine. Apply by holding the glass vial and pressing the exposed end of the cotton tip applicator gently onto the lesions for up to 30 seconds or more as needed. One thorough application (using all the medicine in the vial) must be applied to each outbreak. In case of an open wound such as a blister stage, a sharp sting may be felt. If symptoms persists after 24 hours apply another single application.

Insert cotton tip into the Dynamiclear vial.

Push cotton tip into the liquid.

Place the cotton tip on the infected area and slide up the vial.

Apply pressure to the infected area thoroughly for 30 seconds or more.

Dispose of hygienically.

Keep dry and allow time to heal without disturbance.
Cold Sores are viral infections that appear as small, painful fluid filled blisters (vesicles) in and around the lips, nose mouth and chin, (Orofacial region. Hence Cold Sores are also called Orofacial Herpes or Herpes Labialis (meaning Herpes on Lips).

Day 1: Prodromal (Erythema) – A tingling, itching or burning sensation is experienced beneath the skin.

Day 2 to 3: Blistering (Vesiculation) – The emergence of painful, fluid filled vesicles occurs 24-48hrs after prodromal stage, and is the first sign of a cold-sore.

Day 4: Ulceration and Weeping – The most contagious and painful stage as rupturing of the vesicles occurs. This results in 1-3mm shallow, grey-white ulcers on erythemous bases of the skin.

Day 5 to 8: Crusting Stage (Induration) – The blisters dry up, forming a yellow or brownish crust which eventually falls off. This scab will easily crack or break and care of the scab is important.

Day 9 to 14: Healing Stage (Recovery) – A series of scabs form on the lesion. They eventually flake as the cold-sore heals, usually without scarring.
- Antiviral Medication – Often the most effective way in managing the occurrence of outbreaks.
- Topical Medicine – The most widely used treatments include acyclovir and derivatives. These treatments need to be applied multiple times a day at the very onset of cold sores (the very early prodromal stages) to suppress the virus. Studies show that there are now acyclovir resistant strains of HSV.
- Oral Medications – Treatments include acyclovir and derivatives as well as supplements such as lysine HCL.
- Preventative measures – These are essential to stop the spread of infection and include:
- Prevention – Healthy immune system and hygiene.
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after applying medication.
- Avoid physical contact with infected person – Practice safe sex.
- Avoid sharing personal items as well as food and drink with infected person.
- Novel Treatment – Dynamiclear has been clinically tested to provide quick and fast relief from symptoms of Cold Sores.
Ingredients: Glycerol, Hypericum Extract, Calendula Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Cupric Sulphate, Polysorbate, Vitamin E, and Water.
Usage: Keep away from children, Store in a cool place away from Direct Sunlight at room temperature. Temperature range (10℃ to 30℃). Due to the nature of the product sediments are likely to occur that does not compromise the safety or ethicacy of the product, Continue to use as directed.
Allergic reactions to Dynamiclear are known to occur. If you experience any adverse reaction discontinue the use (signs and symptoms listed below).
Wash affected area with copious amount of water and seek medical attention if required.
- Severe burning sensation or inflammation of lips.
- Severe inflammation of Lesions or blisters and it starts to weep or bleed
- Severe increases in pain over long period more than an hour or two. (Note: When Dynamiclear is applied to active cold sores you may experience an imminent sharp pain that indicates the medicine is working that should subside quickly. It is not necessarily an adverse reaction)
- Increased and excessive dryness of lips and mouth area if or when applying inside the lips (the mucosa membrane). Note: Dynamiclear should not be used inside the mouth area. Do not confuse Canker Sores with Cold Sores. Canker Sores are ulcers that appear mostly inside the mouth and the mucosa membrane inside the lips. Cold Sores mainly appears on or outside the lips
Who, When and Where not to use Dynamiclear:
- People who are allergic to Dynamiclear. First time uses if you have hypersensitive skin or are unsure perform a patch test by applying Dynamiclear lightly under your arm (a sensitive part of your skin, wait up to 3 to 5mins, if no severe burning sensation, inflammation or pain is experienced, use as directed)
- Pregnant Ladies seek medical advice from your Doctor or pharmacist before using Dynamiclear. Do not use during the first Trimester
- Do not use in your eyes or mouth
- When your doctor advises not to use Dynamiclear
- If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the product.
- Children under the age of 12 should seek medical advice prior to using Dynamiclear
- People who are immunocompromised should seek medical advice prior to using Dynamiclear.
- People who are not sure seek medical advice from a Pharmacist or Doctor prior to using Dynamiclear.
Amy Clewell ND,a Matt Barnes MS,aJohn R. Endres ND,a Mansoor Ahmed PhD,b Daljit K. S. Ghambeer MDca AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc., Puyallup, WA bSci-chem International Pty Ltd, New South Wales, Australia cApothecaries Ltd, New Delhi, India
Background: Topical Acyclovir has moderate efficacy on recurrent HSV symptoms, requiring repeat applications for several days. Topical Dynamiclear, which requires only a single dose application, may provide a more effective and convenient treatment option for symptomatic management of HSV.
Objectives: The study assessed the comparative efficacy and tolerability of a single use, topical formulation containing copper sulfate pentahydrate and Hypericum perforatum that is marketed as Dynamiclear™ to a topical 5% Acyclovir cream standard preparation and use.
Methods: A prospective, randomized, multi-centered, comparative, open-label clinical study was conducted. A total of 149 partici-pants between 18 and 55 years of age with active HSV-1 and HSV-2 lesions were recruited for the 14-day clinical trial. Participants were randomized into two groups: A (n=61), those receiving the Dynamiclear formulation, and B (n=59), those receiving 5% Acyclovir. Efficacy parameters were assessed via physical examination at baseline (day 1), day 2, 3, 8, and 14. Laboratory safety tests were conducted at baseline and on day 14.
Results: Use of the Dynamiclear formulation was found to have no significant adverse effects and was well tolerated by participants. All hematological and biochemical markers were within normal range for the Dynamiclear group. Statistically, odds for being affected by burning and stinging sensation were 1.9 times greater in the Acyclovir group in comparison to the Dynamiclear group. Similarly, the odds of being affected by symptoms of acute pain, erythema and vesiculation were 1.8, 2.4, and 4.4 times higher in the Acyclovir group in comparison to the Dynamiclear group.
Conclusions: The Dynamiclear formulation was well tolerated, and efficacy was demonstrated in a number of measured parameters, which are helpful in the symptomatic management of HSV-1 and HSV-2 lesions in adult patients. Remarkably, the effects seen from this product came from a single application.
J Drugs Dermatol. 2012;11(2):209-215.